Real Estate Blog

Equity, Price and the Agent You Select

A Seller’s equity in their home is the difference between what the home is worth and what they owe. At any point in time, it is an estimation because value is a very subjective term. If the seller thinks the home is worth more than...
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Rising Rents – Music to Your Ears?

Rents going up may not be pleasant to hear for tenants, but it could be music to your ears if you are an investor. The recent CoreLogic Single-Family Rent Index, April 2021, showed a 5.3% increase in national rent year over year which doubled the...
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Homeownership Cycle and Inventory

An interesting homeownership cycle begins with a starter home and progresses to larger and smaller homes throughout a person’s lifetime. Within a few years after purchasing their initial home, they might move up to a little larger house. The reasons could be that they simply...
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Mortgage Forbearance

Some homeowners who could not afford to make their mortgage payments this past year have been relieved to find out that their mortgage servicer or lender allowed them to pause or possibly, reduce their payments for a limited period. While it does relieve the financial...
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